The Haudenosaunee Great Law of Peace and its Influence on United States Government

Six Nations Mohawk scholar Laticia McNaughton provided these sources for her article:


Changemakers: Rochester Women Who Changed the World exhibition. Rochester Museum and Science Center. 2020. 

Grinde Donald A and Bruce E Johansen. 1991. Exemplar of Liberty : Native America and the Evolution of Democracy. Los Angeles Calif: American Indian Studies Center University of California Los Angeles.

Shenandoah Joanne Douglas M George-Kanentiio David Kanietakeron Fadden and Ka-Hon-Hes. 1998. Skywoman : Legends of the Iroquois. 1st ed. Santa Fe N.M: Clear Light.

Wagner Sally Roesch and Gloria Steinem. 2019. The Women’s Suffrage Movement. New York New York: Penguin Books.

Williams Kayanesenh Paul. 2018. Kayanerenkó:Wa : The Great Law of Peace. Winnipeg. Manitoba Canada: University of Manitoba Press.

Native Perspectives on Abraham Lincoln

Lipan Apache educator Kelly Tudor provided these additional resources to give Native perspectives on Abraham Lincoln:

The U.S.-Dakota War of 1862 | (

Powwow Details | Mahkato Mdewakanton Association (

Sand Creek Massacre Foundation

Abraham Lincoln: Enigmatic President, and Full of Contradictions – Indian Country Today